About Us
There’s a place for you here as we walk together to Pursue God, Build Community, Discover Purpose, and Unleash Compassion.
We have a place for you and your family to find:
- Friends to do life together
- Encouragement to keep going
- Purpose and meaning for your season of life
- Opportunities to make a real difference in the world
- And most of all…the unconditional love of Jesus!
Trusting God like any relationship takes time and effort. We believe that through worship, Small Groups, Serve Teams, and prayer you will learn how to trust God and gain the spiritual tools to put your faith into action.
Pursue God
God wants a relationship with YOU. He sent Jesus to Earth to pursue that relationship with us, and in turn, we learn to pursue a relationship with Him as well. How do we grow a relationship with God?
We PURSUE GOD together by GATHERING IN WORSHIP for inspiration and celebration, and individually in PERSONAL CONNECTION with GOD for prayer and Bible reading.
Build Community
In a world that’s becoming more isolated, where it’s hard to connect with people in a meaningful way, we believe that we are all created for connection – both to God and to other people. We want to create healthy connections between people so we all get the encouragement we need to keep going in life.
We BUILD COMMUNITY by connecting in SMALL GROUPS for encouragement and growth, and by INVESTING IN THE NEXT GENERATION through our youth and children’s ministry.
Discover Purpose
At one point or another, we’ve all asked the question: What on Earth am I here for? Life has to have meaning besides making money, paying bills and waiting to retire. Answering the question of purpose energizes and fills our lives with meaning.
We DISCOVER PURPOSE by seeing how God has SHAPED OUR LIVES, taking inventory of His GIFTS to us and learning how to USE THOSE GIFTS TO SERVE OTHERS with passion to MAKE A DIFFERENCE in the world.
Unleash Compassion
When we look around us, there are people who need a helping hand. The question is not, “Is there a need?” The question is “What can I do about it?” When we team up and learn to be generous together, we can make a difference in this world right now and for eternity.
We UNLEASH COMPASSION by SERVING OUR COMMUNITY and WORLD WITH GENEROSITY in ways that bring attention to and glory to God and by SHARING THE HOPE WE HAVE IN CHRIST with our neighbors and friends.
Meet Our Staff

Sheena Christensen
Children’s Center Director

Derek Elgersma
Interim Student Ministry Director

Amanda Erickson
Children’s Ministry Director

Dave DeHoogh-Kliewer
Traditional Worship Leader

Tori Frahm
Ministry Assistant

Kendra Johnson
Communications Coordinator and Interim Student Ministry Director

Lincoln Klooz
Student Ministry Intern

Bill McCready
Lead Pastor

Mac McCready
Technical Director

Ryan Pennington
Discipleship Pastor

Michelle Van't Hul
Business Manager
We would love to see you in church!
Plan your visit to a worship experience to see and learn all First B has to offer you and your family.