Next Steps
When you’re ready for what’s next, we’re here to help! We are so excited to come alongside you as you move forward on your faith journey!
Sunday Service
Gather weekly for encouragement, hope, and clarity about what it looks like to follow Jesus.
The Growth Path is designed for you to explore First B, grow in everyday habits, discover your design, develop your leadership, and join a team.
Community Life
Small groups move us from rows and into circles, where everyone has the opportunity to know and be known.
Serve Team
Serve Teams are where we find our place in the First B Community to serve and contribute to the life, growth, health, and love of our community!
Growth Path

The Growth Path is our 4-part course designed for you to explore First B, grow in everyday spiritual habits, discover your design, develop your leadership, and join a team.
Step 01: How to Belong
Connect with us to find out what First B is all about, what it means to connect with Jesus and with a local church family, and why we do what we do here.
Step 02: How to Grow
Learn about the spiritual habits that will help you develop and keep a personal, real, and passionate relationship with Jesus.
Step 03: How to Serve
Discover your unique SHAPE (Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality and Experiences) and how God made you on purpose for a purpose.
Step 04: How to Share
Find out what it means to be part of something bigger than yourself and make a difference in the world by sharing what Jesus has done for you in a way that uses your God-given talents.
Community Life
We build community here in 4 primary ways:
1. [coming in the fall of 2025: our new vision for adult small groups]
2. Sunday morning classes
3. Mid-week Bible studies
4. Next Gen small groups

An Outward Expression of an Inward Decision
Baptism is a celebration of a person’s decision to follow Jesus. At First B we look forward to celebrating whenever someone makes that important decision! Therefore, we celebrate baptism with people who are old enough to make their own profession of faith in Jesus. If you have made a decision to place your trust in Jesus Christ and have not yet been baptized, let us know so we can celebrate alongside you!
Step 1
You have decided to follow and trust Jesus and would like to go public with your faith!
Step 2
You are invited to fill out the baptism contact form below so we can celebrate this decision with you!
Step 3
After submitting the contact form, a First B staff member will send you a Faith Journey form where you are invited to reflect on Jesus being the Leader and Forgiver of your life and your understanding of baptism!
Step 4
The First B staff member you have chosen to baptize you will meet with you to walk through the form and hear more about your story!
Serve Teams
Serve with the First B Community
Here at First B, we believe we all have been uniquely designed by God and EVERYONE can contribute to what God is doing today!
Find your place and let’s join God in what He’s doing here! We have many Serve Teams to be a part of:
- Sunday Welcome Team
- KidZone Team
- One Student Ministry Team
- OASIS Team (senior adults)
- Prayer Team
- Worship Team
- Tech Team
- Creative Team
- [Coming soon in the fall of 2025 : adult small group leader team]
Serving our community and beyond
Unleashing compassion is what we do! We’ve been serving the people in our community, state and world and have been doing that for over 140 years.
We are always looking for ways to share the love of Jesus with others in a way that lets them know that God loves them, and so does First B!
Our current mission partners are: