What’s Happening

OSM Hypapalooza // Feb 7th
A Friday night event for all MS and HS Students!
There will be a variety of games, a community to have fun with, and a free meal. The event starts at 7 pm and doors open at 6 pm. The first 5 students to arrive get free, custom T-Shirts!

How to Grow // Feb 22nd
How do you walk with Jesus through all the seasons of life? What does it take to grow spiritually? It’s not mysterious, mystical or magical, but it’s intentional.
Our Step 2 class on our new Growth Path at First B is designed to help each person to learn the habits that lead to spiritual depth and growth in life. In our How To Grow class you will learn the what, why and how of each growth habit (and even get a taste of each one). If you have taken How To Belong, you are invited to take your next step and learn How To Grow!
RSVP before Feb 20th at 5 pm at the button below!

Baptism Sunday / Feb 23rd
It’s a great day when people choose to publicly profess their faith and commitment to Jesus! Would you join us in celebrating???
If you are interested in being baptized, we invite you to visit the “Next Steps” tab to learn more about what we mean when we say baptism!
2 – Family Meeting
5 – OSM Gathering Night
7 – OSM Hypapalooza
22 – How to Grow
23 – Baptism Sunday
3-7 | USF Spring Break
5 | OSM Gathering Night
9 | All Church Worship Night 7 pm
22 | Pancake Feed, 8:30-10:00 am
22 | How to Grow, 9 am-12 pm
22 | How to Belong, 9 am-12 pm
26 | OSM Worship Night