Providing Academic, Cultural, and Artistic Opportunities

Children’s Center


The Children’s Center is an outreach ministry of First Baptist Church that provides a safe, stimulating and caring environment in which children may develop their God given gifts and talents.

First Baptist Children’s Center is a safe place for all children to develop their skills and make friends. Our desire is to create an extended family within the families of our center and to support parents as their children grow.

High quality care is important to us. Our center is a licensed program in the state of South Dakota.  Our staff complete the required background screenings and trainings before they are allowed to start working with children. The staff also receive ongoing training during their employment.

We have weekly activity themes with lots of opportunities for children to move their bodies, do projects, and play creatively. Snacks are provided.

Where to Find Us

We are located on 22nd Ave and Covell inside First Baptist Church. We are across the street from Sanford Hospital and next door to Sonia Sotomayor Elementary school.


Registration for Summer 2025 is now open. Program details are described below.

Please click the button below to fill out the Summer Registration form (2025).

Registration for the 2025-26 Fall/School Year program is full. Please fill out the form below to be added to our waitlist.

A $25 registration fee is due for each season and child that is registered.

Children must be age 5 and registered for Kindergarten to enroll in our program.

After School Program

The afterschool program operates from 2:45 pm to 6 pm, Monday through Friday and is for elementary children in grades K through 5th. Children are picked up from Sonia Sotomayor or parents may arrange for their child to be transported to the center. Afterschool snacks are provided!

All day care is offered for non-school days for an additional fee. Sign up sheets will be posted for these days and are offered based on staff availability and number of children signed up.

Children are organized into groups by grade, with grade appropriate activities and play. See below for the things we like to do!

Summer Program

The summer program operates from 7 am to 6 pm, Monday through Friday and is for elementary children age 5, enrolled in Kindergarten through age 12, entering 6th grade. Lunch is provided, as well as a snack in the morning and afternoon.

Field trips, parks, and swimming days are part of our schedule, as well as special projects planned into our weekly activity themes. Our children read each day as part of our activity schedule.

Here are some of the things we like to do!

STEM Activities

Our staff plan different Science Technology Engineering Math (STEM) activities for the children to accomplish. From science experiments to building challenges, the children enjoy these activities!

Creative Play, Interest Area, Free Choice

We value what play does for our children, especially after a day at school or a lesson at the center. Creative play is encouraged and supported in each group.

Each day, children are given the opportunity to choose their activity. Choices range from creative play, board games, stations with toys or activities, crafts or reading. The choices change with the planned projects & activities as well.


Miss Amanda from First B joins us each week for Chapel. In Chapel, we learn about who Jesus is and the values that are part of the Christian faith, such as being honest, having compassion, treating others like we want to be treated, and living a life of integrity. We sing songs, watch a video with a lesson, and discuss the video together.

Outside or Gym Time

Moving our bodies is also an important part of what we do each day. We go outside whenever it is possible. When it is not possible, we play in the gym. Activities range from basketball to gaga ball or tumbling on the mats.

Special Activities

Opportunities to Serve

We believe it is important to teach children to help others around them. We have different service opportunities through out the school year. This year we collected items for Lowell Elementary and did a Pi day fundraiser for Arise! Ukraine.

Birthday Bash

Every month we have a birthday party to celebrate the children with birthdays that month. Children receive a birthday balloon, gift, and special guest visitors (First B Staff and church member volunteers) to wish them happy birthday!

Pop Up Days

We enjoy celebrating the random fun “pop up days” throughout the month such as National Doughnut Day or America Recycles Day. Each month we have several days that we will have fun activities for the children to participate in.