About Us

There’s a place for you here as we walk together to Pursue God, Build Community, and Unleash Compassion.

We have a place for you and your family to experience:

  • Friends to share life with
  • Encouragement to keep going
  • Purpose for your season of life
  • Opportunities to serve and impact our community and beyond
  • And most of all, God’s consistent presence and love

Like any relationship, trust takes time and intention. We believe that our trust in God will grow through the rhythms of:

gathering together for worship,

practicing prayer in our daily life,

scattering into Small Groups, and

participating in Serve Teams!

Pursue God

God is close, accessible, and desires a relationship with YOU. We know this to be true because God, in Jesus, became a human to be WITH US. Because of Jesus, we know that God will pursue us in the middle of our mistakes, shame, hiding, and pain. God is on a mission to always pursue us, and the question is, will you pursue Him back?

We will practice our pursuit of God here at First B:

TOGETHER as we gather in worship for encouragement, to hear truth, and to celebrate what God has done, is doing, and will do.

INDIVIDUALLY as we connect with God in the everyday moments of our life through prayer, Bible reading, and other spiritual habits.

Build Community

In a world that’s becoming more isolated and disconnected, our desire is for everyone to have the opportunity to deeply know others and be deeply known by others. We believe that a transformed life goes beyond the consumption of information! We need friendships, as we follow Jesus together, to sustain us and grow us to become more and more like Jesus.

How will we prioritze building community at First B?

Every stage of life will emphasize community practiced in smaller groups! KidZone, One Student Ministry, and Adult Community Life will make space for you and your family to know and be known.


Unleash Compassion

The hope we have in Jesus moves us out of our comfort and into our community and beyond to unleash compassion. We desire to do the kinds of things Jesus did in every space of our life. 

How do we unleash compassion at First B?

SERVING our COMMUNITY in small groups,

SERVING our CHURCH FAMILY by joining a Serve Team,

SERVING our MISSION PARTNERS through intentional partnership, and

SHARING our HOPE with those in our relational world.

Meet Our Staff

Sheena Christensen

Children’s Center Director

Derek Elgersma

Interim Student Ministry Director

Amanda Erickson

Children’s Ministry Director

Dave DeHoogh-Kliewer

Traditional Worship Leader

Kendra Johnson

Communications Coordinator and Interim Student Ministry Director

Lincoln Klooz

Student Ministry Intern

Bill McCready

Lead Pastor

Mac McCready

Technical Director

Ryan Pennington

Discipleship Pastor

Michelle Van't Hul

Business Manager

Career Opportunities

We are currently searching for a Ministry Assistant! The job description can be found at the button below. Cover letters and resumes can be emailed to mvanthul@firstb.org!