What’s Happening

Kick Off

September 8th, Following the Contemporary Service


Join us for food, fun, and fellowship to help us kick off a new ministry year!

Ezekiel Sunday School Class

Begins September 8th, @ 10:30am


Fall Sunday School begins September 8. One of the options being offered in the Parlor during the 10:30 hour is a Bible study on Ezekiel. In preparation, think about this: “What is our concept of God? Is God only a sugar daddy who gives us our every whim? Or is God an angry warrior who punishes us when we step out of line? These views of God, and many others, are inadequate for facing the real challenges of life for God followers. Want to work on our view of God? Then join Vic Lehman, Kim O’Daniels and Paul Carpenter, as we explore what Ezekiel learned about who God really is. God exploded Ezekiel’s inadequate image of God. Where does God want to do with our view?”


4 – One Student Ministry Kickoff

8 – Sunday Kickoff

11 – KidZone Kickoff

14 – Lowell Soccer Starts

21 – Lowell Soccer

22 – Baptism Sunday

27 – Family Movie Night

28 – Lowell Soccer


2 – OSM Baptisms & Family Gathering Night

5 – Lowell Soccer

5 – How to Belong Class

12 – Lowell Soccer

14 – Adult Youth Group

20 – USF Sunday

26 – OASIS Fall Festival

26 – Lowell Soccer Ends

27 – Baptism Sunday