What’s Happening

Cougar Cupboard Collection

For the entire month of March we will be collecting nonperishable food items for the students at the University of Sioux Falls!

Donations can be dropped off at the Ministry Connect desk on Sundays or at the office during the week!

      OSM Pancake Feed

      Join us for a Pancake Feed hosted by the high school students of One Student Minsitry! 

      This free-will donation fundraiser will help send our students on their Summer Experience Trip in June, where they’ll grow in faith, serve others, and build lasting memories.

      Come hungry, bring a friend, and help us make this trip possible—one pancake at a time! 🥞✨

      **Be on the lookout for the new date in April

          How to Belong // March 22nd 9 am – 1 pm

          Want to know more about what it looks like to belong to the First B family? Then join us on Saturday, January 25th for our ‘How to Belong’ Class! Pastor Bill will be teaching the class and covering what it means to be a member, why it’s important, and how you can get connected to our church family!

          RSVP by March 20th at 5:00 pm

          How to Grow // March 22nd 9 am – 1 pm

          How do you walk with Jesus through all the seasons of life? What does it take togrow spiritually? It’s not mysterious, mystical or magical, but it’s intentional.

          Our Step 2 class on our new Growth Path at First B is designed to help each person to learn the habits  that lead to spiritual depth and growth in life. In our How To Grow class you will learn the what, why and how of each growth habit (and even get a taste of each one). If you have taken How To Belong, you are invited to take your next step and learn How To Grow!

          RSVP by March 20th at 5:00pm


              3-7 | USF Spring Break

              5 | OSM Gathering Night

              9 | Encounter Night 6:30-8:00 pm

              22 | How to Grow, 9 am-12 pm

              22 | How to Belong, 9 am-12 pm

              26 | OSM Worship Night


              2  |  OSM Gathering Night

              9  |  5th grade move up

              13 |  Encounter Night 6:30 – 8:00 pm

              16  |   Last Night of Next Gen

              18  |  Good Friday Service

              20  |   Easter (9 am & 10:30)

              21  |  Office Closed

              23  |   Next Gen Team RECAP

              27  |   Graduation Sunday