Senior Adults
OASIS: Older Adults Still In Service
God’s Not Done With You
God continues to use seniors in accomplishing His purposes. We seek to offer a safe haven for ministry, service, fellowship, nurture and care for maturing adults.
Many of the older adults attend the 9:00 am traditional service. After the service, several different discipleship groups are available at 10:15 am.
The OASIS group hosts smalls groups, Bible studies, service opportunities and special events.
All seniors are welcome at OASIS activities. Most Older adults attend the 9:00 traditional worship service and many connect with one of the three discipleship groups that meet at 10:15 on Sunday mornings. Others attend one of the adult Bible studies and LifeGroups throughout the week. The OASIS group also hosts special events and service opportunities throughout the year. The OASIS group is currently planning a game night, hymn sing and spring banquet with program.

Listed below is an overview of the Discipleship and Group Life opportunities for adults:
- Sundays:
9:00AM Sunday School Class
10:30AM Abiding Fellowship Sunday School Class
10:30AM Sojourners Sunday School Class
10:30AM Voyagers Sunday School Class
10:30AM Sunday School Class, Prayer Room
- Weekdays:
Encore Bible Study, Tuesdays 10AM
Men’s & Women’s Bible Study, Wednesdays 6:30-8:00PM
Women’s Bible Studies, Wednesdays 9:00AM & 6:30PM
Men’s Bible Study, Fridays 7:00-8:00AM
Other group opportunities for adults: LifeGroups – in-person and online, special interest groups offered at various times, service groups, Habitat for Humanity, choir, and hand bell choir.
Habitat For Humanity Demolition Group

Sojourner Sunday Morning Group
Conact the church office to get more information.